How to Create Your War Room Prayer Strategy
What is a War Room Prayer Strategy?
The war room. Where prayer strategy happens.
Where things get real. Where battle lines are drawn. Not just a military facility or political command center, but a space where believers go to battle against a very real enemy.
You need a war room prayer strategy.
You’ve likely seen or heard of the hit movie War Room staring Priscilla Shirer. The film illustrates the impact prayer has on us and our situations.
It’s a cinematic reminder of the authority promised us in 2 Corinthians 10:7-8 and the power we possess in 2 Timothy 1:7. It’s time to claim that authority and harness that power!
How to Create a War Room Prayer Strategy:
Be Proactive and Prepared
It’s time to hear God speaking through the words of Ulysses S. Grant: “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.”
You already know where the enemy is. He is prowling around looking for joy to steal, a life to devour, and a family to destroy.
Don’t wait.
You’ve been given permission to “use the weapons of righteousness in the right hand for attack and the left hand for defense” (2 Corinthians 6:7). It’s okay to battle. In fact, God calls us to it in Ephesians 6:10-18.
“Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold. ”
As a new creature in Christ, confidently believe that your prayers make a difference. Boldly battle for the cause of Christ!
Time spent in the war room will sharpen your spiritual senses, making you keenly aware of the enemy’s approach. Catch his lies before you fall prey them.
2. Be Positioned for Victory
It’s no secret the enemy will attack. Not if, but when should concern you. His timing is awful and his pursuit relentless, taking advantage of every person and situation in your life to hit where it hurts. He intends to destroy you by whatever means necessary.
So heed the spiritual wisdom buried in the words of military strategist Sun Tzu:
“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.”
Are you ready?
Do you sense the enemy coming?
Sounds a lot like James 4:7 doesn’t it. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
Prayer, my fellow believer, makes your position unassailable.
It’s how you become ready.
Time spent in the war room equips you for battle. It builds endurance, strengthens your spiritual stamina, and steadies you in the storm.
Remember, Jesus has conquered the grave. The enemy has already been defeated.
Stop striving and start strategizing!
3. Be In Community
By design God has prepared us for companionship and fellowship. We were never meant to do life alone. Even Christ surrounded himself with the love and support of faithful friends.
During times of celebration He feasted with them. In times of struggle He invited them to prayer. This same camaraderie can be found in soldiers rallying during times of war.
The time they spend in close proximity, whether in tents or on the battlefield, creates conditions for a successful fight and reduces the enemy’s chance of dividing them.
Nineteenth-century military strategist Carl von Clausewitz understood the role of troops in winning the war:
“Tactics is the art of using troops in battle; strategy is the art of using battles to win the war.”
The time you spend rallying in the war room will increase your chances of victory over your battles. Invite friends to establish war room space in their homes so that they may join you in the war against the enemy.
4. Be In Your War Room
By definition, a war room is used in politics to refer to teams of communications people who monitor and listen to the media and the public, respond to inquiries, and synthesize opinions to determine the best course of action.
For the believer it is protected, precious space to come before the Lord. To communicate with Him. To hear from Him. To respond to His prompting. To allow Him to determine the best course of action for any situation.
There is no struggle too great or too small for the war room.
This is where you meet God on your knees. It’s where details are laid out and strategies are explored. Nothing is hidden. It’s where submission and trust meet with the will of God.
If your son has walked away from the Lord, take it to the war room.
When the lure of the world is tempting you, take it the war room.
If your marriage is suffering, take it to the war room.
When sickness is sucking the life out of your loved one, take it the war room.
If you’re failing miserably at managing your finances, take it to the war room
For strength and encouragement, take it to the war room
For direction and stability, take it to the war room
Prayers for the War Room
Here are some prayers that may come in handy for the war room. These prayers are for you and those you love. They’re also for those who are hard to love and need your prayers.
1. Strongholds: Heavenly Father, I feel the enemy’s grip on my neck. His lies are loud. His schemes are real. He seeks to steal my joy, destroy my home, and wreck my life. My strength is failing, and my hope is weak. I need you, Lord. Holy Spirit make your presence known. Fill my heart. Fill every room in my house. Be the light that I desperately need. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!
2. Intercession: Lord, thank you for the relationship I have with (name). Praise to you, God, for her precious life. You see her heart. You know her struggles. Meet her where she is, Lord. May she have eyes to see you. Ears to hear you. A heart to accept you. And arms to embrace you. Give me a word for her. Use me to speak truth into her situation. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!
3. Salvation: Father God, I am a sinner and acknowledge my need for a savior. Take my heart, Lord, and make it new. I surrender to your will. I put my life in your hands and trust the plans you have for me. Teach me, Lord, to follow you. Show me the path, and I will walk it, in Jesus name. Amen.
4. Rescue: Lord, the burden I carry is heavy. I am tired. I am weak. I struggle and strive to no avail. I see no end in sight to the chaos that has become my life. I am desperate, Lord. I need you now. Show up, Lord. Do not leave me here. Send relief. Provide and way out. Part the waters for me like you did for Moses and the Israelites. In your mighty name, Jesus, I pray. Amen!
5. Forgiveness: Dear Lord, you see my heart. You see that it is hard. It is bitter. It is angry. I struggle to forgive. I wrestle with letting go of past hurts. I cannot forget. I play it over and over again in my head. Help me, Father, to let go. Walk before me, Lord. Lead me down the path of forgiveness, and I will follow. Thank you, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
6. Repenting: Heavenly Father, search my heart and reveal any hidden sin in my life. Show me the areas that I am clinging to—the things that keep me from knowing you deeply. Forgive me, God, for doing it my way. I choose to trust what you have for me. Help me because I cannot do it on my own. In Jesus name. Amen.
The war room—where believers arm themselves with the word of God.
What’s your war room strategy?
Jennie McChargue has a heart for helping women learn to pray. She knows there are times in our lives that we don’t even know what to pray. After overcoming a near-fatal incident in 2013, she has experienced first-hand the power of prayer. She wants everyone to experience that same healing and restoration.