Posts tagged how to get organized
Staying Organized: 5 Must Haves to Ditch Old Habits and Maintain Zero


Old habits. 

Those suckers die hard, right?  

I’m talking Bruce-Willis-circa-1988-kinda die hard.  You can try to shove them off a building or pepper them with gunfire or push them down an elevator shaft.  REPEATEDLY.  And still?  No dice.

Essentially, old habits are the cockroaches of our lives--ugly, stubborn, and kinda gag-inducing when you crunch one dead. 

The thing is, it’s not a completely hopeless plight when it comes to ditching them.  For good.  What most people don’t realize is that it’s not as simple as just making a decision not to do them again and being done with.  I mean, come on.  Do you know how many times I’ve told myself I won’t bite my fingernails anymore?  Do you know how many times I’ve cracked my front teeth (I’ve got some bad dental genetics, just FYI; no offense, Mom and Dad.) biting my nails after I’ve sworn to myself I’d never nibble again?  It’s an embarrassingly high number of times.

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Two Organizing Tools That Will Change Your Life

Okay, I’ve been SO excited to have this conversation with you.  

Seriously, you have NO idea.  

It’s all about timing, though, and I couldn’t go gettin’ you all excited about something that you weren’t ready for.  

But now?  Now you’re ready? 

Step five in the whole Six Steps To Establishing Zero extravaganza wasall about evaluating the items you’d decided to keep and figuring out how best to store them in a way so staying organized was as easy as possible.   

I’m about to introduce to you my two ABSOLUTE favorite organizing tools that will do exactly that- Store your items in a way that makes staying organized easier. 

I use these tools in pretty much EVERY home in which I work so I’ve got quantifiable data to prove that they work.   (I use them in my own home as well!) And besides, I’d never steer ya’ wrong!

Drumroll, please. 

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Your Organization Questions Answered: Part 1 (Systems, Labels, and Kid's Artwork)

People ask me questions all the time.

All. The. Time.

 As soon as someone figures out what I do for a living, one of two things happen.  Either the questions start rapid fire or they slowly back away, first murmuring and then shouting words that sound a whole lot like “She can never come to my house.  NEVER COME TO MY HOUSE.”

Now, those questions I get asked?  Sometimes they’re just straight up curiosity about the things I have seen, and OH SWEET MOTHER, you should see some of the things I’ve seen.  I have seen some STUFF, lemme tell you.  Rarely, if ever, do I run screaming and crying in the opposite direction though.  Okay, that’s a lie.  I actually never run screaming and crying in the opposite direction as long as someone is open for a little bit of help.  

If you’re sitting there shaking your head thinking “This chick hasn’t been to my house yet!” Lemme tell you a little secret.  There’s always going to be someone who’s in better shape than you are, and there’s always gonna be someone who’s in worse shape than you are.  And let’s get this straight right up front- There is no shame in my organizing game.

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8 Ways Living An Organized Life is A LOT Like Your Walk With Jesus

God is not a god of chaos.  He just… isn’t.  He isn’t down with disorder or confusion.  (1 Corinthians 14:33 BTW I may have paraphrased a little bit!) I mean, really?  Could He have made such efficient use of seven days if he was all discombobulated?  Heck, no.  

God is all about organization.  All about order.  And I love it.  I absolutely love it.  It’s good to know at least someone’s got His ducks in a row, right?  That’s not where the whole God/organizing parallel ends though.  No, no, no.   There are actually a number of parallels between living an organized life and living a life lovin’ the Father,  the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Don’t worry, I’ve only highlighted eight of them!

1. Constant effort is required

You don’t just make the mental decision and then-BOOM- your life is sunshine and waterfalls. 

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