Okay, I’ve been SO excited to have this conversation with you.
Seriously, you have NO idea.
It’s all about timing, though, and I couldn’t go gettin’ you all excited about something that you weren’t ready for.
But now? Now you’re ready?
Step five in the whole Six Steps To Establishing Zero extravaganza wasall about evaluating the items you’d decided to keep and figuring out how best to store them in a way so staying organized was as easy as possible.
I’m about to introduce to you my two ABSOLUTE favorite organizing tools that will do exactly that- Store your items in a way that makes staying organized easier.
I use these tools in pretty much EVERY home in which I work so I’ve got quantifiable data to prove that they work. (I use them in my own home as well!) And besides, I’d never steer ya’ wrong!
Drumroll, please.
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