Love Notes from Abby- The Power of Praise
Welcome back to Love Notes with the Abby. I hope you're having a great morning.
This week we have spent a ton of time talking about the power of our words. We've looked at how words can give life or how they can destroy. And that there is truly power in what we say.
But today we are going to talk all about the absolute best way we can use our words.
Do you have any guesses what it is?
Well, while you're thinking about it, let's talk just a little bit about gratitude.
It seems like gratitude journals have taken over. People are very cognizant and talking about this need to be grateful and the concept is basically where you write down the things in which you're grateful for. They can be as simple as the cup of coffee that you poured this morning or it can be something huge like overcoming cancer.
And while I think it is great to be grateful for many blessings, I think it's far more important to be grateful for the One who created them.
The absolute hands down, best way to use our words is to praise God with them.
Praise Him for who He is and not just what he's done for us.
Hebrews 13:15 says,
“Therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise.”
You see, there are several things that happen when we spend time praising God.
Praise invites God's presence into our lives.
Praise puts God in his proper place.
Praise takes our focus off us and onto Him.
There is something rather incredible about spending time just praising God, the creator.
If you find yourself in a season where God feels distant, start praising Him and experience what I'm talking about firsthand.
“He inhabits the praises of his people. ”
That bringing of heaven down to Earth happens when we put God in His proper place.
Hear me when I say thanking God for His blessings isn't a bad thing. I'm just saying that it's not the best thing.
Think about the last time that you gave your kids something that they really wanted, and they were so happy and they were so thankful. Then, a week later the newness had worn off, and it was just old hat.
Now think about the last time your kid came and crawled up in your lap for no reason told you that they loved you.
See the difference.
When we recognize the magnitude of God and offer praise just for who He is, it's kind of like crawling up in his lap.
It's recognizing His authority in our life and being thankful that we are His.
And lastly, when we offer up a sacrifice of praise, it gets our focus off of our problems, off of our fears, and most importantly off of ourselves.
Burdens and hurts, they less than our circumstances don't seem so overwhelming when we spend time praising and worshiping the God of the universe.
There is power in praising God.
Your Charge Today:
So that's my charge for you today. Spend time thanking and praising God for who he is. Take just a few minutes and crawl up in his lap.
Now go and praise.
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