Love Notes from Abby: Feeling Disconnected In An Overly Connected World
We live in a world where we are more connected than ever.
If you need to get ahold of someone, I mean your options are pretty much endless. You can text them, you could call them, you can email them, you can Facebook message them, you can direct message them on Instagram.
But even though we are so connected and we have the ability to get in touch with each other, we are more disconnected than ever.
Do you ever just feel lonely?
I mean you can look at your friends list and you see you have 653 friends and yet when you're having a bad day, do you question, I don't even know who to call.
And that's really what I want to address today, when you feel very lonely in your friendships.
So what do we do when we feel like we don't have a friend in the world?
I know there have definitely been seasons, especially post wreck about a year or two into it where I was just incredibly lonely.
But you see that's the lie of the world. We may feel lonely, but we really aren't alone.
I say this not in a Pollyanna way, but as someone who has felt that intense loneliness, is that Jesus truly is our best friend.
Fact is all of our friends, Christian friends, non Christian friends, everything in between, as humans we are going to fail one another. There are going to be times that we are let down, but there is one friend who truly will stand by you, sit with you, wrap his arms around you and He will never leave or forsake you.
I Love Job 16:20-21,
“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God on behalf of a man. He pleads with God as one pleads for a friend.”
Jesus is our friend.
We just have to let Him be our friend.
So as you go on your day, and if you are in that season where you feel so lonely, I cannot urge you enough to pray and ask God to show you His friendship with you. That you would experience that intimate, perfect friendship with Him.
And for those of us who are not in a season of loneliness, let's really keep an eye out for those that we know are, and that we would make the effort and make the time to reach out and truly be the hands and feet of Jesus.
All right, my friends go take on your day.
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