Love Notes from Abby- Do You Need To Be Forgiven?
This week we’ve spent a lot of time on our need to forgive others and even forgive ourselves, but today we’re going to talk about when we’re in need of forgiveness.
Let’s talk about when we’ve wronged someone.
What should we do about it?
Matthew 5:23-24 says,
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”
Broken relationships hinder our relationship with God. If we have wronged someone, we should do everything in our power to make it right.
One caveat here… if the person you are at odds with doesn’t know you have a problem with them, settle the matter with the Lord and not them.
Several years ago I got a message from a girl that was apologizing for not being able to stand me in high school. She went on to say she felt really bad it and wanted to reach out.
The thing was, I didn’t even know who she was. I had no idea we went to high school together much less that she didn’t like me.
I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she had good intentions, but her apology to me was unnecessary.
In a nut shell, make sure the person you’re reconciling with knows you have wronged them.
But onto the people who are well aware that you’ve wronged them.
It’s time to make it right.
If we want to authentically walk out our faith, we have to humble ourselves and admit we’ve done wrong and seek forgiveness.
It’s not easy and it’s sure not fun, but it’s necessary.
Back in May when I was preparing to speak at the Canton Baccalaureate, the one where my Macy would have been a graduate, I lashed out at TJ right as we were getting ready to leave.
My emotions were all over the place, and TJ got the brunt of it.
I knew the moment I did it I was wrong, but I didn’t immediately apologize.
I stewed in all my feelings, tried to justify my outburst in my mind, but that feeling in the pit of my stomach let me know I was absolutely wrong and needed to set things right.
Thankfully, when I apologized later that evening, TJ graciously accepted it.
If there’s someone in your life you’ve lashed out at or hurt in some way, today’s a great day to make it right.
I can’t guarantee they’ll accept your apology, but I can guarantee you’ll have pleased the Lord. And that’s what it’s really about, right?
In case no one has told told you today, God loves. He wants a relationship with you, and He will welcome you home with open arms. I love you too!
So that’s your charge for the day, go and make it right and then go take on your day!
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