Love Notes from Abby- A Prayer For You


Good morning, my friends. This morning, I just feel compelled to pray for you.

I know that we have talked a ton about forgiveness, and I have heard from so many of you. And it is such a universal struggle in forgiving others, seeking forgiveness from the Lord, forgiving ourselves, all those things.

So today I just want to start this week out, and I just want to pray over you, and I want to take it to the Lord together.

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning, and I thank You for every woman listening right now.

Lord, You are a good and Holy God.

You are a God who wants relationship with each and every one of us, Lord, and I just pray that that truth just rings in our ears all day long.

I pray for the woman who is struggling to forgive, Lord, that is in a season where it seems absolutely impossible.

Lord, I pray that you would draw close to her and that she would draw close to You, Lord, and that You would do a work in her heart . That you would show her that you are a God of miracles and that Your Word is true and it is never returns void.

And Lord, I pray for the woman who is in a season of shame that you would just break that stronghold that the enemy has, Lord. And that we would know that whenever we confess our sins to You with a repentant heart and we turn from that behavior, just like in the prodigal son, Lord, You run to us. You run to meet us.

And Lord, I just pray that you would match up that truth in our minds and our heart and reconcile that Lord.

I pray that You would just do a softening, and that we would all be so in tune with your Word.

The world is so noisy and at times can be so scary, Lord, but I pray that we would get still and we would get quiet, and that we would hear Your whisper.

Lord. I pray that as we take on this day, that as as we go through our day, Lord, that our thought is, “What would be pleasing to You?”

I pray that we would be a light that shines so bright that others would think, I want what she has. Because you Lord, are good and You are a God that gives peace. And you are a God that gives joy and forgiveness and all those things despite any circumstance that we may be walking through.

Lord, I pray that we would get our eyes solely on you and off any problems that we have. Lord, that we would just lock eyes with You because when we're laser focused on You, the rest gets put in its proper perspective.

Lord, we thank You for sending Your Son to die a cross for our sins and raise three days later so that we can come and boldly approach the throne. What an honor and a privilege, Lord,.

We love You and we thank You and in Jesus' powerful name, Amen.

All right friends, I hope that you walk in that freedom. I hope that you feel unbelievable love from our Lord today.

I am so glad that you're here. Now go take on your day.


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