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14 Excuses Why You’re Not Working Out, and What You Can Do About It!

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I get it.  


We all have them.   

Here are 14 super common excuses for why you can't/don't workout and what you can do about it.

Excuse 1:

I get home from a long day of work.  Cook supper. Clean. Grades papers.” 


Lay out your day and schedule in 30 minutes.  Get a pretty calendar and WRITE IT DOWN.  Get your spouse or kids to help clean after supper.

Excuse 2:

I am tired.


Working out will actually give you a boost of energy.

Excuse 3:

I work 12 hours running around the hospital.  I don't want to go to the gym after and run around.


Every time you can, take the stairs, do squats, move.

Excuse 4:

Why workout, when I eat like crap.


Stop eating like crap!

Excuse 5:

I'm a working mom. I have kids and after-school activities.  There isn't enough time.


Schedule in you time first thing in the morning.

Excuse 6: 

I don't want to.


What is the reason you don't want to, especially if you are unhappy with how you look?

Excuse 7:

This pregnant belly…..!


There are plenty of exercises you can do while pregnant.  You just modify them as your belly starts getting bigger.  It is safe to exercise and if you have been prior to getting pregnant, you can continue doing it!

Excuse 8:

I have body parts that hurt when I do.


There are plenty of ways to modify exercises if certain ones hurt while doing them.

Excuse 9:

I am too out of shape to workout.


Unless you enjoy being out of shape, you have to start to get IN better shape.

Excuse 10:

I just don't have time.


We ALL have the same 24 hours in a day (unless you have some Hermione Granger magic somewhere).

Excuse 11:

I don't like working out.


There are hundreds of different workouts out there from yoga to dancing.  Find what you LIKE and stick with it!

Excuse 12:

I have too much to do today.


If it is a priority, you will make it happen!

Excuse 13:

I don't see results, so why do it.


Results take time!  You didn't become out of shape overnight, so don't expect to get back in shape tomorrow!  It takes work and consistency.

Excuse 14:

I have no one to watch my kids.


Workout while they are occupied, napping, or get them to workout with you.  Lead by example!

Excuses are just another way of saying, "It is just not important enough to me."

If that is the case,  I respect that.

If it is not the case, and you want it to be, STOP MAKING EXCUSES and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Guest post by Courtney

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