Bible Journaling | Matthew 28:20 - God's Promises

This page was inspired by a SheReadsTruth devotional a few months ago on Genesis. One thing in particular that the writer of the devotional said really resonated with me. It said, “Jacob’s path was marked with memories, with celebrations and sorrows, just like yours and mine. And the most remarkable part? God kept every bit of that promise He’d made to Jacob, watching over him wherever he went.” 

As I read this, I could so clearly see our path so far. 

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Bible Journaling | John 16:16 - In A Little While

"In a little while."

 Something that I have said so often to my son…and honestly sometimes it’s just my way of not flat out telling him no. A placeholder until I can find the time or the energy. When Jesus told His disciples "A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me.” John 16:16. It was a promise and He meant it.

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Bible Journaling | Genesis - It is Good

In the beginning of the year people asked me, “How was last year?" How do you think this year will go?” My first response wants to be, "Kind of bad." We lost my grandpa in July. We haven’t felt very good physically. We had to cancel plans because of things out of our control. Things went our way & things didn’t.

But if I sit & I think about it, it was good. It was good because there is a blessing in every situation. There’s something in the works of every struggle & victory, even if we can’t see it.

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Bible Journaling | John 8:12

I think that sometimes in life we feel like we’re just surviving. I know that I have definitely felt this way. Sometimes it feels like I’m seriously just living day to day, hoping to make it through to the end in one piece. 

When you’re out in the wilderness, the first thing you need for survival is fire. Pretty much everything hinges on it. You need it for warmth, light, food, for fresh water… you need it to sustain and thrive. Jesus is our campfire. He is our campsite. He’s the Living Water, the Bread of Life. He’s our shelter. He gives us every single thing we need to survive the wilderness of life.

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Bible Journaling | Exodus 14:14 - The Lord Will Fight For You

So, most of the time, I just need to be silent.

In Exodus14:10, the Israelites started complaining. This is only the first instance when they grumbled and doubted. They were afraid that they were trapped as the Egyptian army started closing in on them. They started saying to Moses, “See? What did you think you were doing? We told you to leave us alone.” And in response Moses told them to be still, the Lord would fight for them. And He did

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How to Start Bible Journaling

In my last blog post I briefly explained WHAT bible journaling is, so your next question might be where do I start?! 

When you think you’re ready, it’s time to find inspiration on what to journal. Inspiration can be found in so many places!

  • Devotionals (I love the Bible reading plan on here, SheReadsTruth, First5, and plans on the YouVersion app)
  • Sermon notes
  • Worship songs
  • Your feelings for the day or season in your life. 
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Bible Journaling | What is it?

If I told you I knew something that could perhaps help your relationship with God grow in ways that you didn’t know were possible, would you be interested in hearing me out? If I were to tell you of a way to worship and study God’s word in a way some might think was unconventional, would you be open to trying? I hope so! Here goes…

I paint in my bible. Yes, I totally just said that I paint in my bible. I paint, draw, and color in it! I have done this almost every single day for over a year! It has helped me go from never reading my bible…well, pretty much ever…to doing a devotional and translating what I learned to the pages of my bible almost every day.

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