Posts tagged jealousy
5 Verses to Help You Overcome Comparison in Your Bible Journaling Pages
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt 

Comparison is an ugly game that we all have played at least once in our lives (but more realistically, probably daily). 

Envy is usually the result. 

We all know that envy is not fun and God isn’t a fan of it.

The internet makes it worse. 

It can encourage you and discourage you in the same breath. 

We know what everyone is doing, or at least what they want us to know (the good things). 

It’s so easy to scroll and scroll and have disappointment and jealousy grow with every thumb swipe.

Bible journaling is one of those things that can very easily make you discouraged. Here you are trying your best to worship and find encouragement and all that you find is that you’re disappointed.

I have been there…often. In fact, that’s the whole reason I’m writing this. 

Just the other day, I was scrolling through Instagram looking at other people’s gorgeous Bible pages, reading their inspiring captions, and I got this twinge of “I’m not _________ enough.” You can fill that in with anything.

And believe me, the devil will try to force you to fill that blank.

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