Posts tagged help reading the bible
When the Bible is Hard to Understand- How to Power Through

The microwave has ruined us. 


I’m showing a little of my age right now, but stay with me.

When my mom was growing up, they didn’t have electricity. My grandmother, with seven children, washed the laundry over a wash basin. And, she cooked. From scratch.

By the time I was a kid, from scratch cooking wasn’t really a ‘thing.’ The microwave cooked waaaaaaaay faster and was waaaaaaay easier. 

That line of thinking, faster and easier, permeated the thought process of society. And it has done nothing but gotten worse.

If a website doesn’t load in less than two seconds, it’s considered slow.

Raise your hand if you’ve clicked on a link, and when it didn’t open instantly, you clicked away and were off to the next one.

Raising my hand.

We’re all guilty. 

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