Have you ever been “church shopping?”
Chances are if you have moved and tried looking for a new church, you have gone shopping for a church. For many, finding a new church home becomes a daunting and intimidating journey.
You would think that as an Army brat, growing up moving every two years and always meeting new people, I would be the best greeter at my church. If you have checked out the Tribe’s bio page, Abby even titled me as “connector,” yet one area I feel I fail at time and time again is greeting and introducing myself to new people at our church.
After moving to Virginia, I started attending church with my husband where his family have been members for over 70 years. I enjoyed the pastor’s sermons and made myself at home. It felt like a good fit and one that didn’t take much effort. I am forever grateful for this since I sort of “married into it,” which was definitely divine intervention!
For a girl who didn’t grow up around family, it was exciting to feel I like I knew everyone at our church. Of course, I really didn’t know everyone, but it felt like I did and that allowed me to coast through the next 6 years without having to introduce myself to too many people. As the years went on, I eased into my new role of being a “long time member” and started assuming I either knew everyone or they knew me, or at least we recognized each other enough to give a warm smile!
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