3 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Using Essential Oils

Essential oils for beginners- Here’s a great article to alleviate the fear of getting started with essential oils #essentialoils #rockthisrevival #eo #essentialoilsforbeginners #youngliving

Have you ever jumped in to something and then immediately regretted it? 

No? Just me? 

I knew I liked you.

That is exactly how I felt right after I purchased a box full of essential oils.

I had no idea what I was doing and was completely overwhelmed with these little bottles of plant juice. There were so many things I wish I knew. 

I had one million questions, had no answers, so I did what any responsible mom would do and stuck that box under my bed, out of sight and out of mind. 

Six months later we had a need. A need that was weighing heavily on our family.  

Our 5 yr old daughter was struggling with some health issues and the needs weren’t being met in the traditional healthcare system. Quite frankly, we were desperate for a solution. 

But I still had no clue how to use the 15 or so bottles that were affectionately collecting dust under the bed. 

After a little heated fellowship with my husband the nurse practitioner, we agreed that we would take the weekend and try the plant juice to see what happened. 

He lovingly reminded me that I had 48 hours to try this thing out and if we didn’t see results, we were right back to the ‘tried and true’ methods.

So there I was, with all my oils, and all my questions. Is this safe? How easy will this be to use? Will this even work? I totally just convinced my husband to let me put this stuff on my kid, and I haven’t a clue what I am doing. 

Here is what we learned through that experience and the following six years of using oils on ourselves, our kids, and pretty much everyone who will let me touch them:

Essential oils are Safe

One thing I wish I knew before I started using them is that essential oils are safe. 

Safety seems to be one of the number one questions out there, as it should be, but there is also a ton of misinformation and fear mongering that happens too. 

We have used lots of essential oils in EVERY way possible for the last 6 years on every member of my immediate and extended family, including babies, safely.

I’ll talk more about quality and how to make sure you are getting superior product next time, but for now we will keep in general. 

My best recommendation is to get a reputable reference book and start learning about the oils/plants that interest you. My favorite is The Essential Oils Pocket Reference.

Use the oils within your comfort zone. Don’t do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing, even if your friend says it’s ok.

But honestly the best way to get over the uncertainty of using oils, is just to use them.

I finally realized that essential oils have been around since the beginning of time when God placed us in a garden and said that it was good. 

He meant for His plants to be part of our wellness. 

He put them here for our good and benefit, and has provided for our every need because He is a good Father. I could totally bring y’all to church, but I digress.   

Now, I know what you're thinking. But what in the world do I do with them?

Essential oils are easy to use

Another thing I wish I knew before I started using essential oils is that they are super easy to use. Step one: Open bottle. Step two: Apply.

Ok, maybe I oversimplified slightly, but really that is about all there is to it. 

Being from a medical background I had all these rules and guidelines that I needed to know before I could feel comfortable using them. 

 I mean where was the drug facts or nutritional information, and how much do I use, and for goodness sake, where do I put it? 

It was so ingrained in me that I needed someone smarter or more educated to tell me what to do and how to do it, that I had lost all confidence in myself as a mom.   

So what did I do? 

I pulled out my handy-dandy, simple reference guide which gave me some general recommendations and I went to town.

It gave me options that I could choose from and I got to pick what was right for me and my family. I carried that book around with me for those two days like it was my lifeline. What happened next was so worth it. 

Now I could tell you exactly what we did, and how we did it, where I put it and how often, but I want you do grow in your confidence in yourself and your instinct. God gave you those momma gut feeling for a reason, use them! 

Secondly, the EFF-DEE-AY says that I can’t prescribe stuff to people so to keep my credentials safe, I am telling ya that the book is where its at! Trust me on that. Just get it. It’ll be the best $15 bucks you spend. 

I believe in you momma.

Essential oils work

Lastly, the thing I wish I knew before I started using essential oils is that they work. 

I mean, why didn’t anyone tell me sooner! Come on, friends. Helps a sister out!  

At the end of that first 48 hour trial period we were stunned at the response that we saw in our daughter! 

It was a 180 degree turn. I could’ve never predicted the amazing things that would happen in the following weeks and months. 

We went from seeing the doctor every 3-4 weeks, to not seeing him at all.

The problem is, if you don’t open the bottles, you don’t see results. 

Let’s be real, you cant just use one drop of oil and expect your issue to disappear. As amazing as oils are,  and they are super amazing, they are not magic unicorns that sprout rainbows. You do actually have to put them on your body or in the diffuser to see results. 

Which brings us back to points one and two. 

What is holding you back? 

That box of oils sat on the floor under my bed for 6 months because I had tons of questions and a ton of fear surrounding those tiny bottles of plant juice. 

There was so much to know, and I didn’t know any of it. 

So I let fear of what I didn’t know hold me back. 

Were there things that I wish I knew before I started using essential oils? Sure, but I learned that oils are safe, easy to use, and that they work by opening those bottles and applying them. 

Since then I have spent countless hours researching oils and other natural remedies to not only help my family but yours too.  

What is fear holding you back from? What if God has healing for you on the other side of those little bottles of plant juice.

If you want to learn more about essential oils Abby and I would love to have you along this journey with us. This is the easiest and best bang for your buck. This is what I started with except now it’s way cooler and has an even better value! 

What ya waiting for? Your plant juice is waiting! 

Essential oils for beginners- Here’s a great article to alleviate the fear of getting started with essential oils #essentialoils #rockthisrevival #eo #essentialoilsforbeginners #youngliving

Essential oils for beginners- Here’s a great article to alleviate the fear of getting started with essential oils #essentialoils #rockthisrevival #eo #essentialoilsforbeginners #youngliving
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