Posts tagged Favorite Bible supplies
Bible Journaling: 10 Supplies You Need

So you've dipped your toe in the water.

You've started Bible journaling. Now you may be wondering, "What supplies should I use?"

 I don’t use a ton of supplies. I have tried numerous things, but I always come back to these.

Everyone has a different style. After you’ve been journaling a while, you’ll probably notice that you tend to gravitate towards certain things. Some of my friends, like me, tend to only use watercolors.

Other's pages look like beautiful scrapbook pages, full of stickers, tip-ins (when you tape in a printable/prayer card/etc), and other types of embellishments!

There isn’t any right way to journal and there aren’t any proper or improper supplies. You should use whatever you love.

That being said, here are the things that I love!    

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