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Love Notes from Abby- Kind Words

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Love Notes from Abby- Kind Words Abby Rike


Good morning, Gorgeous.

Today we're going to carry on with our theme of controlling the tongue, but this time we are going to be looking at our words as being a life giving fountain.

I don't know if you've read the Five Love Languages or not, but my love language is definitely words of affirmation.

This past week I was in my business mastermind group and the girls there that they just gave me so much encouragement and because I felt so great from their words of affirmation, I've been super productive.

So as I was studying my Bible this week, I realized that that God knows this.

He knows that words have a way of giving us life. And so as we dig in today, let's look and see what the Bible actually says about words and their positive impact that they have on us.

Proverbs 10:11, the Bible says,

Whoa there's a huge difference.

The Bible is very clear throughout that we as believers are meant to be set apart.

We are to look vastly different from the world using our words as a life-giving fountain is just a very tangible, wonderful way that we can be that light in the dark.

And so how we use our words, it matters, and it's a way for us to truly show a dark world that we are different.

I think though that as we dig into this, sometimes there is a misconception about what “kind words” actually are. In order for our words to truly be life giving, then we need to differentiate between the two.

Kind words are not blindly agreeing with everyone. It doesn't mean that we don't ever have a dissenting opinion or that we agree with everything that we hear.

The second thing that kind words aren't, it's not just randomly saying so-called nice things to people that we don't actually mean because let's be real, people see through that really quickly.

So if those are some examples of what life giving words or kind words aren't, let's look at what they actually are.

First and foremost, kind words align with Biblical truth. Kind words are always going to be in alignment with scripture and what God says. Not what we feel, not what we think, but what God says.

The next thing is that kind words are honest and they're authentic.

When we give kind words to someone or we share compliments with people, they're sincere and people are then lifted up by that because they know you mean them.

So in a nutshell, kind life, giving words speak truth in love.

So that is it for our talk for today. Tomorrow we're going to be really delving into the second half of that verse where it tells us that our words can basically destroy.

My charge for you today is to intentionally and authentically use the gift of kind words to give life to someone.

All right. I am praying that you have an amazing day! Now, Go be Great!

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The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

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