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The Power of Our Words- 3 Ways to Control Your Tongue

Words have power.

Here are 3 ways to control your tongue so that you use your words for good.

Ever scroll through Facebook and just get tired? Tired of the negativity? Tired of the fighting?

Ever think, why in the world are they posting that?!

Yeah, me too.

So much so I took my question to the Lord. Not to search for the “why” people post what they post, but more so how to make sure I don’t.

My seeking led to Proverbs.

Do words in verses ever jump out at you? 

Like when you're reading a passage of Scripture or a book of the Bible, and a similar idea keeps coming up over and over and over again?

Throughout Proverbs, while there are NUMEROUS themes and ideas, God spoke to me about the tongue. (And maybe added a little reproof and correction in for good measure.)

The Bible gives us a wealth of wisdom regarding our tongue.

3 Ways to Control Your Tongue

Tip 1 To Control Your Tongue- Not every thought needs to be expressed.

In a world that tells us to use our voice, and we have a right to be heard, Proverbs 10:19, tells a different story.

"Too much talk leads to sin.

Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”

It’s easy to get caught up in debates. We’re passionate about something, and we think if we just explain things a bit more, surely the person we’re debating will finally get it. Again, Proverbs offers a different perspective.

"Don’t waste your breath on fools,

for they will despise the wisest advice." 23:9

There’s something to be said for saying nothing. Silence can be powerful.

Tip 2 To Control Your Tongue- There is power in our words, and we must use them carefully.

Have you ever had a tough day when you run into someone who tells you how great you look? Kind words soothe a soul.

What about on that same hard day when someone cuts you with a snide comment? Harsh words cut like a knife.

Proverbs agrees.

"The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain;

the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions." Proverbs 10:11

"Gentle words are a tree of life;

a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." 15:4

"Some people make cutting remarks,

but the words of the wise bring healing." 12:18

"A gentle answer deflects anger,

but harsh words make tempers flare." 15: 1-2

"The tongue can bring death or life;

those who love to talk will reap the consequences." 18:21

Tip 3 To Control Your Tongue- As Christians, our speech should not mimic the world’s.

Regardless of the world’s demand that we watch out for number one because no one else will, as children of God, we are under His authority. 

"The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking;

the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words." 15:28

"The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing,

but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness." 15:1-2

God wants us to use our voice for His glory. We should speak up when it is wise to do so.

In our world, we have so many ways in which to use our tongue... not only in person but through email, texts, Facebook, Twitter, comments on blogs, etc, etc.

We have so many places in which we must control our tongues.

While James tells us that controlling the tongue is something we can never fully master, Proverbs gives us practical ways in which to start.

I find the more time we spend in God's Word, praying, and growing in our faith, the more He helps us with our tongue.

Let's make a pact that today we will speak life.

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