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How to Memorize Scripture so it Sticks

Memorizing Scripture can be hard.

But, even as an adult, you can learn Bible verses so they stick in your mind, and more importantly, transform your heart.

Maybe you're like me and have great intentions to memorize scripture. But, time marches on, and you find yourself with great intentions but no results.

That can change TODAY.

8 Tips To Memorize Scripture So It Sticks:

Scripture Memory Tip #1: Commit

This is the most critical of all the steps. Until you move from interested to committed, it won’t happen.

More time will not magically appear in your day.

In order to memorize Scripture so it sticks, you have to make it a priority.

At the end of the day, you have to not only decide you’re really going to memorize Scripture, you have to take action.

Maybe that means scheduling time in your calendar.

Maybe it means writing your verse on a notecard and taking it with you wherever you go.

Maybe it means getting a friend to help hold you accountable and memorize with you.

Do whatever it takes to make it happen.

** If you find yourself stuck, pray that God will create a burning desire for His Word. Keep praying that prayer. God wants you to have a burning desire for Him.

Scripture Memory Tip #2: Focus on one verse at a time

Think in terms of quality over quantity. Be realistic in the time frame of how many verses you want to memorize.

While you should absolutely read the verses before and after the one you are memorizing, don't try to memorize them all at one time.

Especially when you're starting out, focus only on the one Scripture until you have it completely committed to memory.

The goal is not to memorize for the moment but rather know it well enough for it to penetrate your heart. When you hide God’s Word in your heart, He will use it to teach, illuminate, correct, and sanctify you.

After you have completely memorized the verse, then add the next one.

Scripture Memory Tip #3: Write out the verse three times

There is something about putting pen to paper to focus your mind. Research also shows physically writing out a verse helps you to remember it.

I like to practice hand lettering as I write out the verses. It focuses my mind on God's Word while doing something creative.

** If you want to try to out hand lettering, check out the Lettering Truth link below for a free lettering packet

Tip #4: Read a few verses above and below the one you're memorizing.

If you haven't done so already, make sure to read the verses above and below the verse you are memorizing.

This will help you to put the Scripture in proper context and discern what God was saying to the original audience.

Make sure you understand what the verse is really saying. If you’re having trouble making sense of what you’re reading, check out this post with free Bible study tools.

** The Bible comes alive when the focus is to know God.

Scripture Memory Tip #5: Say or sing the verse out loud several times

After you've read the verse and studied the verse, now it's time to say it out loud.

New connections are made in your brain when you hear the verse as you're saying it.

Feel free to sing it out loud as well. Music has a way sticking in your mind regardless of how you sound. #makeajoyfulnoise

** Check out this great instagram account that creates music to memorize Scripture.

Scripture Memory Tip #6: Write out the verse from memory

No worries if you get stuck the first time. Write out what you can remember and then look at the verse.

Keep writing out it out until you don't have to look back at the verse for help.

The more you wrestle with the verse, the more meaningful it becomes.

** Bonus Tip: Write the first letter of each word of the verse at the top of your page. It’s amazing how it will help you recall the verse.

Scripture Memory Tip #7: Make a notecard

Write out the verse on a notecard. This makes it easy to take it with you throughout the day.

Tape your notecard on your bathroom mirror, put it in your bag to take on errands, or tape it on your steering wheel.

**The more you see it and say it, the more it will stick.

Scripture Memory Tip #8: Review, review, review

What’s the saying about the top 3 things to consider in real estate? Location, location, location.

Memorizing Bible verses is similar in that if you really want the Scriptures to stick, you need to review, review, review.

After you've committed the verse to memory, review it weekly, then monthly, and then throughout the year.

** Keep your notecards on a ring or in a box.

In Conclusion

There is no quick fix to memorizing Scripture. These tips should help you get started though.

The brain is like any other muscle in our body. The more time you spend memorizing and meditating on Scripture the easier it will be going forward.

Though it’s not easy to learn Bible verses as an adult, I can promise you every second you spend in the Word is time well spent.

There is POWER in knowing the Word of God.

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