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The Top 10 Christian Books That Will Change Your Life

As an avid reader, I'm always looking for a great read. Recently a new member of the Tribe, Barbara, asked if I had any book suggestions. I thought it was a great time to put together a list of my favorite books.

If you're looking to grow in your relationship with the Lord, what you read, watch, and listen to are vehemently important. Here is a list of books to feed your mind and more importantly, your soul.

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Life Application Study Bible, New Living Translation

If there was ever a book that changed my life, it's this one. This is a great version for reading the Bible through. It provides needed background information in addition to practical life application (hence the name). 

For the first time, when I was reading the Bible, it made sense. There is NOTHING more transformative than being in the Word.

If you only buy one book, pick this one!

The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers

Looking to better understand grace? Think you need to punish yourself for the mistakes of your past? Then this is your book.

Written in dialect, this delightful book does an incredible job of crafting a young girl's journey into navigating the traditions of her community. Through a series of encounters with different people, she slowly begins to grasp the true meaning of grace.

Rivers does a brilliant job of illuminating God's unending and unconditional love for us.



The Hiding Place

Need a perspective change? Having trouble figuring out why life is so hard and how to make sense of it? This is your book.

Corrie Ten Boom chronicles her time in Jewish concentration camps. Though a native German, she and her family hid several Jewish friends and others. When the Nazis discovered what they had been doing, the entire family was sent to the camps. 

Ten Boom's stead-fast faith and testimony during the vilest of times, had a profound impact on my own faith. I pray it will do the same for yours.

Mark of the Lion

This trilogy, set in the time right after Christ's ascension, chronicles the struggles of the early church.

If you've ever wanted a better understanding of Paul's letters in the New Testament, this is your book. It brings that time period and culture to life.

Rivers takes us on a 3 book journey that's hard to put down. There are so many biblical lessons to be gleaned from these writings.

I strongly recommend you buy all three books at one time. You'll want to start the next book right after you finish the prior.

My Utmost For His Highest

My mother describes Oswald Chambers as one of her earthly heroes. She has been reading this devotional book for the past 20 years.

This devotional is not what I would recommend for new Christians. The language and biblical principles will stretch you in your walk. Chambers will not only step on your toe, but your whole foot... in the best way.

An interesting side note is that his wife transcribed his sermons and compiled them in this book after his death.

What a legacy of faith and love of the Lord he has left.

Lineage of Grace

Next to the Bible, this book had the greatest impact on my walk with the Lord. Actually, this is the book that made me hungry to read the Bible. 

Francine River's has a gift for bringing the people in the Bible to life. Additionally, she makes you want to read the real text.

This collection of five stories traces the women in Christ's lineage. We see their struggles as they meet God's calling on their lives.

I Am Changes Who I Am

During the year I lived in Houston, Texas, I attended Houston's First Baptist. We sat under Greg Matte and had the opportunity to get to know him.

Matte's book looks at the life of Jesus and the miracles He performed. By examining what Jesus did, we learn who He is. 

I agree with Matte, that once you meet the great I Am, you will never be the same.

5 Love Languages

I just recently read this popular marriage book. It's popular for a reason... it provides solid marriage advice. 

At times it's a little clinical in its descriptions of situations, but the overall message can do profound things for marriages.

The goal of the book is to help us better understand our spouse. We learn how to meet their needs thus making for a happier home.


Sons of Encouragement

Once again Francine Rivers uses her writing talent to bring the people of the Bible to life.

In this collection of novellas, Rivers takes us on a journey of five different men in the Bible and how they fulfilled God's plan in their lives.

We see how salvation is free, but there is a cost to following Christ.

The best part of this book is the way in which it encourages you to read the Bible to know the real men behind the stories.

NIV, Holy Bible, Journal Edition, Hardcover

This is the Bible I use for Bible Journaling. If you're not familiar with it, you can read a great article about it HERE

This Bible has wide, lightly lined margins that are perfect for note taking or bible journaling. 

The pages are a little thin, but if you're careful with the pens or watercolors you use, there isn't a ton of bleed-through.

I've thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the Word in a creative way. 

Working It Out: a Journey of Love, Loss, and Hope

Ok, so this is #11. Despite the fact it's mine, I've heard it's pretty good. Here's the "official" description:

In 2006, Abby Rike lost the life she knew and loved when her husband and two young children were killed in a car accident. Devastated and numb, she shut down. For nearly three years she walked through life like a spectre, present in body only. As she descended, so did her health.

Fortunately, Abby was not alone. She had loving parents, supportive friends, and a faith that continued to sustain her. Little by little she found the courage to return to life.

Joining The Biggest Loser proved a catalyst for the physical and emotional changes she needed to make. In fact, against all odds Abby gained strength, courage, wisdom, and continued her steadfast relationship with God. Instead of anger, she found herself slowly but steadily healing. She lost a hundred pounds but gained hope.

In this riveting book, Abby tells her story--from her joyous life before the accident to the unbearable pain that followed it and her eventual emergence as a woman reinvigorated by her faith in God. Today Abby's resilience and positivity are a testament to the power and importance of faith in the darkest hours.

I would love hear your thoughts on the list as well as any recommendations you have.

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