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Bible Reading Made Easy

One of the biggest struggles facing Christian women is reading and studying the Bible. What if Bible reading was made easy?

If you find yourself asking that very question, keep reading.

Don’t you just love hair day…

The day your hairdresser works magic with your hair, covering up the greys, creating volume or taming the mane, sculpting by hand the perfect style that frames your face and highlights your personality.

Yes! Yes, I do love hair day!!

Probably more than I should, but for good reason. You see, my hairdresser is also my friend and sister in Christ. And my time in her chair always invites the most rewarding, life-giving conversations. 

Without fail, our jibber jabber finds its way to encouraging one another in Christ, allowing us to walk out our faith and grow deeper in right relationship with the Lord.

At a recent visit, our chatter turned to reading the Bible. It was at this point my friend honestly and emphatically declared that she wasn’t “good at that.”   

And it was at this point that the English teacher in me, the lover of literature and all things prose and poetic, sprang into action. Like a superhero rescuing her from clear and present danger.

The danger of believing the lie that she couldn’t. 

The danger of thinking she wasn’t able. 

The danger of accepting that she doesn’t have what it takes.  

I quickly asked permission to speak honestly and in love. 

She consented. 

Leaning forward with a pointing finger, I said, “Stop saying that. And don’t ever say it again.”

Without flinching or even thinking, she said, “Okay.” (because she loves me and knows I love her)

And by the way, Tiffanie knows I’m sharing this with you. Hi, Tiff!!!

You might be Tiffanie. You think reading the Bible isn’t for you. That it’s tough. I get it. There are tons of Tiffanies out there thinking, believing, the same thing—convinced they’re not good at it. 

I’m here to tell you…


Not too long ago, while consulting a commentary, I came across a sentiment that was rather enlightening, empowering in fact:

God gave you a brain. Use it. He gave you a mind. Use it. 

I know you know you have a brain. I know you haven’t lost your mind. That’s not the point.  

The point is that God designed us WITH a brain, WITH a mind. Therefore, surely he intends for us to use it. To take advantage of it. To exercise it just like all of the other muscles he built in us. 

In fact, I’ll go one step further. He designed us with a brain and declared, “it is good” (Genesis 1:27-31).

If you want strong arms, you lift weights.

If you want a strong core, you do planks.

If you want strong legs, you do squats.

If you want a strong mind, YOU READ. 

You read material that is true and honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable…things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Phillippians 4:8).

Y’all, give me a pulpit; I am preachin!!

Why? Because it’s true. I’ve seen it play out in my own life. 

As I grow in my knowledge of the word and as my relationship with Jesus strengthens, I’ve come to understand and realize my need for the totality of the Bible—cover to cover, Old Testament and New Testament.

To understand the God we serve, the God who creates, we need the truth of the Old Testament and God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

To accept the savior who would fulfill that plan of redemption—salvation—we need the truth of the New Testament.

Together, these create the platform of the believer’s life. It’s the truth we stand on.

God created us for his pleasure, his glory, his purpose—as His created one to be in relationship with him.

Friends, it is my heart for you to be in the word, getting to know the God you serve, the Jesus who saves.

6 Tips for Easy Bible Reading

1. Start with short books of the Bible

With most books you start at the very beginning. You don’t have to do that with the Bible. The Bible has 66 books to choose from, and I highly recommend you have success right at the start. Below are several shorter books to start with.

  • 2 John --- 1 chapter, 13 verses, 303 words

  • Philemon --- 1 chapter, 25 verses, 445 words

  • Jude --- 1 chapter, 25 verses, 613 words

  • Obadiah --- 1 chapter, 21 verses, 670 words

  • Titus --- 3 chapters, 46 verses, 921 words

  • 2 Thessalonians ---3 chapters, 47 verses, 1042 words

  • Haggai --- 2 chapters, 38 verses, 1131 words

  • Nahum --- 3 chapters, 47 verses, 1285 words

  • Jonah --- 4 chapters, 48 verses, 1321 words

2. Listen to the Bible

A great tip for reading the Bible is to listen to God speak to you. You can hear His words. The best part is you can listen anywhere, and if you’re at home, you can follow along in your Bible.

The Bible app is a great way to listen to the Bible for free.

3. Focus on one book of the Bible at a time

One of the best ways to really understand the Bible is to focus on a singular book at one time. If possible, read or listen to an entire book in one sitting. This won’t be possible for all the books in the Bible, but it’s a great strategy for the shorter one listed above.

4. Make notes as you read

As you’re reading the Bible you will undoubtedly come across words and phrases you don’t understand. Use the study portion of your Bible or Google to gain a right understanding of those words. The key to defining biblical terms is to focus on what God meant by the words He used.

As you’re reading jot down any questions that come to mind. A great resource for biblical questions is gotquestions.org.

5. Take your time

Reading God’s Word is a marathon, not a sprint. Create a routine that works for you. Maybe you’ll get up 30 minutes earlier. Maybe you’ll listen in the car as you’re running errands. Maybe you’ll read in the evening after your house is quiet. The key is to find a rhythm of Bible reading that works for your life because the best part of the Bible is that it’s alive each and every time you read it.

6. Reading the Bible vs Studying the Bible

When you’ve done this for a little while and have gained some wins reading, you can transition to studying the Bible, one book at a time.

Notice I said READING then I said STUDYING. Yes, there is a difference. 

READING the Bible allows you to draw near to God.

STUDYING the Bible allows you to grow deeper in God. 

Our Lord knew it would not be easy taking the spiritual walk. That’s why he sent his disciples out to prepare the way for us with reminders and letters of encouragement.

Paul tells us, “Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (Phillippians 2:12-13).   

How will you know what pleases God? By reading His Word. 

Where will this desire and power come from? From Him, He will work it in you through His Word. 

Timothy encourages us saying, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).

See, you can. Because God created you to. 

With help from the Holy Spirit, along with a little patience and perseverance, you will be making your way through the Bible, one book at a time. Before long, you will come to crave the nourishment of His promises, his commands, and even his loving correction.  

As Dr. Suess would say, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Know God and see where He takes you! 

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