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How to Find God When You Can't See Him

Have you ever needed to see God?

As in your soul is crying out for Him.

Several years ago my mother and I were blessed to go to Alaska for one of my speaking events. It was in October, and we would be there for the wreck anniversary day.

I normally don't do speaking events on or close to that date, but.... it was Alaska. And my mom. 

If you ever want to be awe inspired by God, go to Alaska.

The beauty all around is overwhelming.

Our hosts, Toma and Nicole, could not have taken better care of us. They knew our desire to see the Northern Lights. The problem is you can't summon the lights. You have to have the right conditions to see them.

(That's Nicole. I loved her the minute I met her!)

Picture if you will...

It's 10:00 pm, and mom and I get a call. Nicole tells us that there is a place reporting that you can see the lights. 15 minutes later Toma and Nicole show up at our B&B and drive us an 1 1/2 hours to the reported area of light sightings. I mean seriously, how nice is that?

By the time we get there, the clouds have moved in. We can't see the lights.

I vividly remember crying out to God, "Show me your glory! Show me your glory!" I must have said it a hundred times.

I bring my good camera with me, but I'm terrible with it. To my delight, Toma is an expert. He sets it up to capture images in low lights. (At this point it appears I'll have pictures of darkness.)

We stay in that area for a bit and then drive on hoping to catch a glimpse of the lights.

My soul needed to hear from God... 

As much as I would love to be able to tell you we saw the lights, we didn't.

To say we were all disappointed would be an understatement. And to be completely honest, I was angry. I couldn't imagine how God would deny me the once-in-a-life-time experience of the lights.

Fast forward a week.... I'm going through all the pictures we took, and to my shock, I found the picture below.

If you look closely, you can see the green haze along with bright white lights. There, my friends, are the Northern Lights.

I wept tears of joy.

You see God had a bigger message for me. Though I couldn't see the lights with my human eyes that night, they were still there.

Though we can't see God with our human eyes, He's still there.

If you find yourself at a place in life questioning where God is.... He's there. He will not leave nor forsake you.

As strong as your feelings, feel, they aren’t true when it comes to God.

If you're having a hard time trusting Him, maybe it's because you don't really know Him.

Of course you know about Him, but do you know Him? It’s an important question to ask yourself.

If you desperately need to see God, you can find Him today. You can find Him in His Word, the Bible.

My prayer this week for you is that He will show you His glory. It probably won't be in a way that you imagine. But, when you get still and in His presence, you won't miss it.


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