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Bible Journaling | John 8:12

Guest post by Neely Beattie

I think that sometimes in life we feel like we’re just surviving. I know that I have definitely felt this way. Sometimes it feels like I’m seriously just living day to day, hoping to make it through to the end in one piece. 

When you’re out in the wilderness, the first thing you need for survival is fire. Pretty much everything hinges on it. You need it for warmth, light, food, for fresh water… you need it to sustain and thrive. Jesus is our campfire. He is our campsite. He’s the Living Water, the Bread of Life. He’s our shelter. He gives us every single thing we need to survive the wilderness of life.

Without His light, the world can feel very dark, cold and empty. We are left with a hunger in the pit of our stomachs that cannot be satiated. We are left with a thirst that can’t be quenched. We feel vulnerable and lonely. 

Sometimes we can feel like we’re on the brink of giving up. Jesus says in John 8:12,

“I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”

He is necessary for us to survive. Everything in life and our survival hinges on Him. With Him, our hunger can be satiated, our thirst quenched. He makes life not so dark and cold. He provides us light and warmth. In Him we have a constant companion, who always roots for us and tells us we CAN keep going.

With Jesus burning for us, we can see. We can thrive. We can survive.

Set up camp with Jesus, friends. Let him be your campfire. Let Him give you life. Let Him light your way. Let Him sustain you.

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